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Ubuntu (Zulu for "humanity towards others") is a globally recognized philosophy preaches humanity towards others. Angels at Bat aims to practice the Ubuntu philosophy through promoting baseball and softball activities on the continent.
The Ubuntu Fund presently consists of three (3) award tiers corresponding to different monetary values. Additional memorial awards may be available each year. Available awards will be announced annually with additional awards potentially being added on a rolling basis.
Available awards for Q2 of 2025 (March 31st deadline) are listed below:
1x Tier 1 Award ($250)​​​​​
1x Tier 2 Award ($500)
Applications will be reviewed every quarter and decisions on the award will be made within
2 weeks of the review date. Therefore, if you wish to receive assistance from the Ubuntu Fund, you must submit your proposal and application before the quarterly deadline. Events being awarded must take place at least 1 month after the quarterly deadline. For example. Quarterly deadlines are listed below:
Q1: March 31st - events taking place between May 1st and July 31st
Q2: June 30th - events taking place between August 1st and October 31st
Q3: September 30th - events taking place between November 1st and January 31st
Q4: December 31st - events taking place between February 1st and April 30th
Emergency awards (applicable when unforeseen circumstances make the above scheduling/planning unreasonable) may be processed depending on availability of funds. Emergency award proposals should be submitted through the below application; however, you should reach out directly to Angels at Bat.
The Ubuntu Fund is meant to fund activities that would help grow baseball in a specific area or region on the African continent. We do not place any specific restrictions on the type of activities that would be considered eligible for Ubuntu funding. Examples of activities that would be eligible for Ubuntu funding include (but are not limited to):
Transportation to a specific tournament
Hosting a tournament, clinic, or other event
Transportation to a clinic or other baseball/softball-related event
Hosting an exhibition game
Purchasing material(s) for constructing a field (or element of a field)
Applicants must submit a project proposal document in order to apply for receiving A@B Ubuntu funds. The proposals should follow the proposal template linked below and provide a detailed outline of costs associated with the event. Proposals should detailed and show proof of estimated costs, describe your organization's background and goals, outline the proposal's plans, etc.
After preparing your proposal template, you should submit an application below. While submitting your application, you will share more details about the submitting individual and the organization.
If you and/or your organization are awarded support from the Ubuntu fund, you are expected to do the following:
Submit an Outcomes Document within 45 days the event (using the template linked here)​​
This document should include a detailed description of how the event went, and how the support from the Ubuntu Fund benefited the players/organization(s) represented. This document should include pictures of the events progress and highlights. Extensions for preparing the outcomes document are available upon request.​
Keep detailed records and receipts of all purchases made with Ubuntu funds
Images and/or records of these purchases should be included in the above outcomes document​
Maintain the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in the event
After conversations with our parters, namely the coaches and players receiving the equipment we distribute, we learned that many African baseball fans search the internet for learning opportunities. Not only were our partner coaches using YouTube and Google to learn the nuances of the game we love, but they were using it to teach players of all ages. Creating and compiling educational baseball materials for use by African coaches and players therefore has become a priority!
African Baseball Coaches' Conference
To continue supporting our coaches in their journey to learning baseball skills and strategy, we hosted the first African Baseball Coaches' Conference (ABCC) from October 23rd-November 18th 2023. It consisted of four weeks of pre-recorded training materials, followed by a stimulating panel discussion strategizing how baseball can grow on the continent. All of these materials are pre-recorded and accessible below. We encourage you to look at and share these materials regardless of whether or not you attended the event!

How can you better understand baseball?
Baseball has grown immensely since Angels at Bat started distributing baseball equipment in 2014. One of the many things that the coaches and trainers we work with discuss needing is further training. It is with this in mind that we compiled training videos on YouTube that may help new and experienced coaches. Please navigate to the webpage linked below to explore the variety of resources we have compiled! If you have any other training resources that you suggest we add to this page, feel free to Contact Us!