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Lusaka end of Year Baseballership Education Tournament
🏆 Kenny Matishi and the Zambia Baseball & Softball Association hosted this tournament for 192 participants from around the country. Held in Lusaka, they crowned 4 teams as champions of their respective divisions! Find the results below!
🥇 Cowsdale C - Best Junior Team
🥇 Bruesy - Best Female Team
🥇 KSQ Worriors - Best Youth Team
🥇 Chirundu Leopards - Best Senior Team
⭐️ Youth All-Star Team ⭐️:
Abu (Catcher) – Cowsdale
Lucus Tembo (Catcher)
Danny (Outfielder) – Cowsdale
Margret Phiri (Pitcher/3B) – KSQ
Gift (Shortstop) – Cowsdale
Mwape Keegan (1B) – KSQ
Zimba (Pitcher) – KSQ
Maxwell (Shortstop) – KSQ
Jacqueline Lungu (Pitcher) – Cowsdale
Sunday Kangongo(2B) – KSQ
👏 A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all teams and players who participated!
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